Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Auschwitz Now And Then

Auschwitz now and then. Look at how much has changed. The pain and torture will never quite leave even though the green grass and life has come back from such a horrid place to be.

 This just looks like an oven now, but at one time these burned millions of people; men, women, babies...people who thought they had futures and goals. Teachers, parents, doctors, lawyers, farmers, etc. were all killed.

People in some camps were fed one slice of bread in a day sadly. They died slowly of starvation which first consumed their fat, then muscles, then soul...Millions of skinny corpses laid everywhere tangle together in piles and in trenches.
This picture in English means "Work will set you free," which was what gave the prisoners hope, but unfortunately the only peace was death. Many would work themselves to death.

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